

Any book that has me engaged and laughing in the first few pages is a book I know I’m going to enjoy, and Borderlines fulfilled its purpose to educate, enlighten…
The Sun is Open

The Sun is Open

The Sun is Open is the remarkable and incredibly personal debut from Gail McConnell reflecting on her childhood in Belfast and the death of her father, who was killed by the…
Letters From Egypt

Letters From Egypt

In 1862, after contracting Tuberculosis, Lucie Duff Gordon’s travelled to Egypt, not just seeking adventure but hoping to improve her dwindling health.  Her Letters from Egypt are not just random…


I was first attracted to Where?  as being born in Shropshire I was instantly intrigued by the book’s subheading ‘Life and death in the Shropshire hills’.  Being born in nearby…


Many of us have dreamt of returning to nature and escaping the humdrum of city living, for Rebecca Schiller and her family this became a reality, taking up a smallholding…
Heavy Time

Heavy Time

I’ve been reading a few bits and pieces about psychogeography lately and with my own academic interest in Religious History then Heavy Time, by Sonia Overall seemed the very book…
The Eternal Season

The Eternal Season

Like many other people over the past 12 months or so many have been experiencing Covid exhaustion, trying as much not to read the daily news of more deaths, seemingly…
Fifty Sounds

Fifty Sounds

There’s something about immersing yourself in another language and culture that always brings romantic imaginings to the fore. I’m sure many of us have dreamt of jetting off to foreign…