Calling the Spirits

Calling the Spirits

I’m sure many of us have seen the image on television or portrayed on radio and comic books of the atypical ‘mystic’ calling out ‘is there anybody there?’, and although…
Forgotten Footprints

Forgotten Footprints

In humankind’s history there have been many ages of discovery, but few that surmise the arduousness and strength of human endurance than Antarctica.  Yet Antarctica, much as the race to…
A Life on our Planet

A Life on our Planet

I think it would be an underestimation to suggest that David Attenborough is one of the leading environmentalists in the country or the planet. His career on television has spanned…
Of Sea

Of Sea

Following on from her celebrated collection of poems, Swims, Elizabeth-Jane Burnett returns to the waters once more with a new collection of poetry, Of Sea, a sequence of 46 poems,…
Cut Stones & Crossroads

Cut Stones & Crossroads

Although originally published in 1984 Cut Stones & Crossroads by Ronald Wright simply remains the pinnacle of any travel writing on Peru.  Weaving the country’s rich and diverse culture and…
Under the Apple Boughs

Under the Apple Boughs

Under the Apple Boughs, by Peter Maughan is a year spent in an unnamed, village somewhere in North Devon with an equally unnamed narrator, but these things don’t matter, the…
The Seafarers

The Seafarers

Stephen Rutt has written a devotional tribute to two liminal tribes, seabirds and the ornithologists who have sought to unearth some of their secrets. In this illuminating book, you will…


“It so happened that most of the people with whom I had anything to do during my stay at Cairo were seized with plague, and all these died.” Eothen, by…