Enchanted Forests by Boria Sax

Enchanted Forests by Boria Sax

This is an immensely rich cultural history of woodlands and covers a huge range of subjects, which makes it constantly fascinating and stimulating. Whether writing about folklore, cathedrals, contemporary environmental…


For days there had been no signs of human life. Pine forests shrouded in snow and half-frozen lakes glittering in the sun stretched into an unspoilt Canadian wilderness. It was…
A Thing of Beauty

A Thing of Beauty

I’d been looking forward to reading Peter Fiennes’ new book A Thing of Beauty since its first mentions on social media, having read and reviewed its wonderful predecessor Footnotes (2019,…


Many of us have dreamt of returning to nature and escaping the humdrum of city living, for Rebecca Schiller and her family this became a reality, taking up a smallholding…
The Eternal Season

The Eternal Season

Like many other people over the past 12 months or so many have been experiencing Covid exhaustion, trying as much not to read the daily news of more deaths, seemingly…