With a new focus on Gothic prevailing in new literature I’m often left wondering as to where the genre first started. Albeit it could be argued that Gothic literature owes…
It only seems like a short while since the fantastic Storyland was released, but a whole year has passed and Amy Jeffs returns with a new book entitled Wild: Tales from…
I think I share a common conception, or misconception, of Afghanistan, a country that has always seemed distant, alien and mysterious to many of us, which is more likely to…
I'd been wanting to read A Moroccan Trilogy: Rabat, Marrakesh and Fez by Jerome and Jean Tharaud for quite a while, Morocco is not a country I know very much…
The Best British Travel Writing of the 21st Century delivers what it promises and more. Like so many other recent publications it has its genesis in the Covid crisis. At…
To say these are a collection of the best letter writing of the eighteenth century really would be understating the importance and brilliance of The Turkish Embassy Letters. A collection…
In 1862, after contracting Tuberculosis, Lucie Duff Gordon’s travelled to Egypt, not just seeking adventure but hoping to improve her dwindling health. Her Letters from Egypt are not just random…
Throughout my studies in Religion, and writing, the Devil has cropped up several times, unsurprisingly. However, with the general worldview towards this figure of the Old and New Testaments being…
Freemasonry: Initiation by Light by Christopher Earnshaw is the first of four books exploring the origins and mysteries of Freemasonry. Often today, an organisation that is held with good humour…
I’m sure many of us have seen the image on television or portrayed on radio and comic books of the atypical ‘mystic’ calling out ‘is there anybody there?’, and although…