Enchanted Forests by Boria Sax

Enchanted Forests by Boria Sax

This is an immensely rich cultural history of woodlands and covers a huge range of subjects, which makes it constantly fascinating and stimulating. Whether writing about folklore, cathedrals, contemporary environmental…
The White Birch

The White Birch

Edgelands, not the ones where concrete and vegetation intersect, but the ones where culture and nature face each other in the mirror. A major thread in Tom Jeffrey’s new book,…
Light Rains Sometimes Fall

Light Rains Sometimes Fall

One of the many things that have amazed me in the world is traditional Japanese art and architecture, I’ve always been fascinated by how intertwined buildings and bridges have become…
Fifty Words For Snow

Fifty Words For Snow

In Fifty Words for Snow, Nancy Campbell continues her work on the “changing landscape of the Arctic” and gifts us not only with the perfect Christmas present but a book…
The Seafarers

The Seafarers

Stephen Rutt has written a devotional tribute to two liminal tribes, seabirds and the ornithologists who have sought to unearth some of their secrets. In this illuminating book, you will…
Self Civil War

Self Civil War

As I’ve mentioned previously, it’s always interesting when a new Julian Cope release emerges into the public domain, and with a new decade commencing, Cope introduces a new series of…