Under the Apple Boughs

Under the Apple Boughs

Under the Apple Boughs, by Peter Maughan is a year spent in an unnamed, village somewhere in North Devon with an equally unnamed narrator, but these things don’t matter, the…
The Seafarers

The Seafarers

Stephen Rutt has written a devotional tribute to two liminal tribes, seabirds and the ornithologists who have sought to unearth some of their secrets. In this illuminating book, you will…
The Journey

The Journey

Every now and then a book comes along which opens your eyes to a world you never knew existed, to life and experience that is beyond your own comprehension and…
A Sense of Tiptoe

A Sense of Tiptoe

I’ve been re-immersing myself into more poetry as of late, it’s something that I’ve long tried to avoid as, being a poet and writer, it’s an area where I always…
Time Among the Maya

Time Among the Maya

From a young age I've been fascinated with ancient cultures around the world, whether it be the Druids, Egyptians, ancient Greeks or indeed the Maya there's always a sense of…
The Stonemason

The Stonemason

In The Stonemason: A History of Building Britain, Andrew Ziminski takes us on a history of building in Britain, beginning with our Neolithic ancestors through to our modern age. A…
The Sensitive Son

The Sensitive Son

I often wonder what inspires an author to write on a particular topic, what is it that ignited that initial spark that launched the adventure of a new book? For…


I first happened across Julian Hoffman earlier this year whilst supporting the campaign to stop the ill-advised M4 Black Route around Newport. The campaign was getting headier and I’d heard…